Friday, October 31, 2014

The Facebook Fallacy

You know when you look through your feed on facebook, and every single day you see that at least one of your friends has done something amazing, commendable or just interesting? That makes you feel that you aren't doing anything with your life, and that all your friends seem to be living more interesting and happier lives.
But stop and think for a moment. Approach it from the other side. If you have 365 friends, and you post one interesting post a year you are faring as well as the average of your friends. It just seems that everyone is doing more interesting things than you because you only notice the interesting things your friends post. You only see the highlights. Nobody posts a "today was boring - I did absolutely nothing" status.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Shouting When Angry

A saint was walking along the river Ganges when he noticed some family members shouting at each other. He smiled and asked his disciples, "Why do people shout when angry?"
The disciples thought for some time. Some said "because they lose their temper and calm", others said "that they want to stress upon their views" and so on. The saint was obviously not satisfied. Finally, he explained them the reason, "When two people are in love, they talk softly with each other. What happens when the love increases much more? They start whispering. And then comes a point, when they only have to look into each other's eyes to convey their thoughts. Now can you guess the answer?"
The disciples were still confused. So he continued, "when two people become angry, the distance between their hearts increases. To cover this distance, they need to shout so that they can hear each other. The more the anger, the greater the distance and hence more the shouting."